There are several different ways that students can vote in North Carolina: One-Stop Early Voting, Election Day Voting, and absentee voting. If you are unsure of your current voter registration status it’s quick and easy to check your registration status online.
Starting Thursday, October 17, 2024, One-Stop Early Voting begins in North Carolina and continues daily until Saturday, November 2, 2024 at 3 p.m. ET.
During this time, you can register and vote, all at once at any early voting location in Forsyth County – locations to be determined at a later date. See below for everything you need to know in preparation for one-stop early voting!
For individuals wishing to vote in person on Election Day in North Carolina, or wish to request an absentee ballot in North Carolina, Friday, October 11 is the Voter Registration Deadline.
For individuals looking to vote absentee in the state of North Carolina, Tuesday, October 29, 2024 (5 PM ET), is the last day to request an absentee ballot. Absentee ballot regulations vary by state, students who wish to vote absentee in their home state should reach out to their local board of elections to get information on their state and county’s process and deadlines.
Countdown to the 2024 General Election
Important Dates & Deadlines
Date | Event | Notes |
Tues., Sept. 17 | National Voter Registration Day | Voter registration available from 12-6 PM in the Tribble Courtyard |
Fri., Oct. 11 | North Carolina Voter Registration Deadline | Students wishing to vote in person on Election Day - or via mail - must be registered by 5 PM. |
Thurs., Oct. 17 | In-person early voting begins; same-day registration is available. | The closest one-stop early voting location to the Reynolda Campus is the Polo Park Community Center |
Tues., Oct. 29 | Last day to request an absentee ballot in North Carolina | We suggest requesting your absentee ballot as soon early as possible. |
Sat., Nov. 2 | In-person early voting ends (3 PM) | If you wish to vote in North Carolina but have not registered as of Nov. 2, this is your last chance to cast your ballot. |
Tues., Nov. 5 | Election Day | Free rides to the polls will be available. The Reynolda Campus is split between two precincts. Please ensure you are voting at the correct precinct. |
Tues., Nov. 5 | Absentee ballot return deadline (7:30 PM) | We suggest returning your absentee ballot before the deadline and tracking its status via BallotTrax. |
Voter ID Laws in North Carolina

For the 2024 General Election, voters will be asked to show photo ID when voting in North Carolina.
Please note that your DeaconOne card is an acceptable form of ID for voting in North Carolina through Dec. 31, 2024. Students with a permanent residential address in North Carolina are also allowed to utilize a North Carolina driver's license in place of their DeaconOne card.
If you are voting by mail in North Carolina, voters must include a photocopy of an acceptable ID when returning their ballot, or they may complete an ID Exception Form. The voter will place the photocopy of ID or ID Exception Form in a pocket on the outside of the ballot container envelope, which is then placed in an outer return envelope to protect the privacy of the voter. Students can get their DeaconOne Card or NC Driver's License scanned at no cost at the Benson Copy Center (Benson 334) or Office of Civic & Community Engagement (Benson 506).
All voters will be allowed to vote with or without a photo ID. If a voter cannot show photo ID when voting in person, they can still vote by filling out an ID Exception Form. If absentee-by-mail voters are unable to include a copy of their photo ID with their ballot return envelope, they can also fill out an ID Exception Form with their ballot.
Early Voting Dates & Times
Starting Thursday, October 17, 2024, One-Stop Early Voting begins in North Carolina and continues daily until Saturday, November 2, 2024 at 3 p.m. ET. During this time, you can register and vote, all at once at any early voting location in Forsyth County.
To vote in Winston-Salem during one-stop voting you must be registered to vote in Forsyth County, or update your registration during one-stop voting to Forsyth County.
Please note that the closest early voting site to the Reynolda Campus is the Polo Park Community Center.
Days | Dates | Time |
Thursday-Friday | Oct. 17-18 | 8 AM-7:30 PM |
Saturday | Oct. 19 | 9 AM-5 PM |
Sunday | Oct. 20 | 1 PM-5 PM |
Monday-Friday | Oct. 21-25 | 8 AM-7:30 PM |
Saturday | Oct. 26 | 9 AM-5 PM |
Sunday | Oct. 27 | 1 PM-5 PM |
Monday-Friday | Oct. 28-Nov. 1 | 8 AM-7:30 PM |
Saturday | Nov. 2 | 8 AM-3 PM |
Free Rides to the Polls for Early Voting

We want to make voting as easy as possible for students, so Deacs Decide has teamed up with Parking and Transportation Services to offer free rides to the polls!
The Deacon Station Shuttle will be running Monday-Friday from 8 AM to 7 PM from Shelter A throughout the Early Voting period to get you to the Polo Park Community Center voting site stress-free.
Students who want to vote on Saturday or Sunday during the Early Voting period must find their own transportation to the Early Voting site of their choice.
For students voting on Election Day, shuttles will run from the Benson University Center starting at 8 AM. Please determine that you are heading to the appropriate voting location for your precinct before heading out to vote.
Completing Your Voter Registration Form
Students who live on campus and are completing or updating their registration for Forsyth County will need to provide two different addresses on their registration - their mailing and residential address.
On-Campus Residential Address
Residence Hall Name or Polo Road House #-0
Winston-Salem, NC 27109
County: Forsyth
Deacon Place
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
County: Forsyth
*Please note: students living in Deacon Place utilize the 27106 zip code, and do not need to include a unit number.
On-Campus Mailing Address
Campus Box #### - WFU
Winston-Salem, NC 27109
*Please note: registrants should not include 1834 Wake Forest Road as part of their Mailing address on your Forsyth County, NC Voter Registration Form
Students who live off campus - in Non-WFU housing and receive mail at their residential address - should list their local NC mailing address.
Proof of Residency
If you’re registering to vote or updating your voter registration during one-stop voting, you need to provide Proof of Residency in North Carolina. We have you covered, whether you live on- or off-campus.
Bring hard copies of your proof of residency with you when you go to vote.
As a reminder, if you registered to vote in Forsyth County in 2020 or 2022, and now live at a different address, residence hall, or apartment, you must update your voter registration for 2024.
On-Campus Housing
- Login into the WFU housing portal
- On the home page, select the "Information Update" process
- On the landing page, select "Proof of Residency" from the dropdown menu
- Confirm your housing for Fall 2024 is correct
- Click "PRINT THIS PAGE" at the bottom of the page to print and/or save your Proof of Residency
- Bring your Proof of Residency and DeaconOne Card with you.
Off-Campus Housing
- Bring your mail
- A current utility bill, bank statement, paystub, or any other government document showing your name and address is enough (a card from your parent won't cut it)
- If you pay your bills electronically or get paid via direct deposit, print out a hard copy and bring it with you
Absentee Voting
If you decide to register in your home state, you will need to request an absentee ballot.
Absentee ballot regulations vary by state, students should reach out to their local board of elections to get information on their state and county's process and deadlines.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 (5 PM ET cutoff) is the last day to request an absentee ballot in North Carolina, however, we don't recommend waiting that long. The earlier your request, the better.
If you are voting by mail in North Carolina, voters must include a photocopy of an acceptable ID when returning their ballot, or they may complete an ID Exception Form. The voter will place the photocopy of ID or ID Exception Form in a pocket on the outside of the ballot container envelope, which is then placed in an outer return envelope to protect the privacy of the voter. Students can get their DeaconOne Card or NC Driver's License scanned at no cost at the Benson Copy Center (Benson 334) or Office of Civic & Community Engagement (Benson 506).
Already mailed in your ballot? Track it here (NC only) or here (other states).
Voting on Election Day
Election Day is Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
You can find your designated polling location on your Voter Registration Card, which you will find in your P.O. Box leading up to the election, or online through the Forsyth County Board of Elections.
Please note that the Reynolda Campus is divided into two districts; please be sure to check your assigned polling location to vote in person at the correct site on Election Day.
South Campus Residence Halls
Students who live on South Campus and reside in the following residence halls will vote at Harvest Bible/Salem Chapel [Precinct 903].
- Angelou Hall
- Babcock Hall
- Bostwick Hall
- Collins Hall
- Davis Hall
- Efird Hall
- Huffman Hall
- Johnson Hall
- Kitchin Hall
- Luter Hall
- Poteat Hall
- South Hall
- Taylor Hall
North Campus Residence Halls
Students who live on North Campus and reside in the following residence halls will vote at Bethabara Moravian Church [Precinct 905].
- Deacon Place Apartments
- Dogwood Hall
- Magnolia Hall
- Martin Hall
- North Campus Apartments
- Polo Hall
- Polo Road Houses
- Student Apartments
Check Your Voter Registration Status
Useful Information & Resources
- If you are the recipient of a home state higher education aid program, please visit the Financial Aid Website for more information.
- In the state of North Carolina, you now do need to show a photo ID to vote in the 2024 election. If you are not a North Carolina resident your DeaconOne Card will serve as your photo ID.
- In North Carolina, it's illegal to snap a picture of your completed ballot. We know you're excited, for some of you it may be your first time voting in a presidential election, just snap a picture with your "I Voted" sticker instead of your ballot.
- If you requested a mail-in ballot, but would rather vote in person, you can. In North Carolina, as long as you did not fill out or send back a mail-in ballot you can change your mind and vote in person instead. We recommend voting during the early voting period so that if you need to update your registration you can.
- If you requested an absentee/mail-in ballot from another state, please check with your state's Board of Elections or your local election office.
- If you are in line when the polls close, you legally have the right to vote. If anyone tells you otherwise, do not leave your spot in line and call the North Carolina Election Protection Hotline at 888-687-8683.
- Forsyth County Sample Ballot