Ways to Partner
The Office of Civic & Community Engagement works to support programming, build capacity, facilitate community-based learning and research, and more.
The resources listed below aim to assist in your navigation of Wake Forest University. For questions about available resources, or to request resources, please contact us, and tell us more about your needs.
Volunteer Resources
Together, we work alongside organizations to place Wake Forest faculty, staff, and students in a variety of community positions. Past volunteers have developed business plans, designed communication strategies, provided direct service assistance, tutored and mentored children, and developed strategic plans.
Are you in need of a group of individuals to support an event or another one-time need? Use GivePulse, WFU’s volunteer management platform. Each of our community partners are invited to create an account at no cost to them to recruit and manage volunteers, as well as manage volunteer opportunities.
For questions on how to set up your GivePulse account, please contact the OCCE via email.
Does your community organization need help completing a project? Let us know. We work with students across campus looking to gain experience in community engagement or the non-profit sector. This may include working with a class for the semester or partnering with a club, team, or department for an extended period of time.
Looking for a part-time intern? Let us know. We can help you find a student looking to gain professional experience and help with capacity-building for your organization on a part-time basis.
Need a little more help beyond a part-time intern? Be considered for a full-time placement for a student during the summer months with a Wake Forest student participating in the Summer Nonprofit Immersion Program.
Is your community organization in need of a volunteer with a particular skill? Let us know. The Office of Civic & Community Engagement is happy to connect you with one of our high-skilled volunteers looking to make a difference in the community.
Are you in need of English to Spanish translation services? Let us know. We have students who are volunteering their time to translate various resources like infographics, social media posts, or signs for community partners.
Physical Resources
Is your organization looking to disperse or collect food for your community? Are you interested in working with a Wake Foret work-study student?
Are you or your organization interested in becoming a partner for Campus Kitchen? Let us know. In doing so, you can collaborate with us to re-purpose unused food for members of our community.
Are you interested in hosting a federal work-study student throughout the academic year? Let us know, and we’ll work with you and the Financial Aid office at Wake Forest University to help find a student placement.
Knowledge & Academic Resources
The Office of Civic & Community Engagement can connect you with faculty and staff at Wake Forest University. Need help with research? Want to work directly with a class on campus? Looking for someone to come and speak to your organization? We have you covered.
Does your community organization align with a specific academic department or program at Wake Forest? Let us know.
Are you interested in working with a faculty member on a research project for your community organization? Please reach out with a research question or problem, and we will work to identify a faculty member who might be interested in working with your organization.
Service-Learning courses integrate community learning, academic content, and deep reflection. Are you interested in partnering with a faculty member to develop a community learning experience for students? Let us know. We would love to work with you.
Looking for someone to speak to your community organization? Wake Forest faculty and staff have varied interests, skills, and experiences, and would love to meet with your organization. Reach out with a specific research interest or professional profile, and we will connect you with a faculty or staff member.