Community happens in partnership.
Wake Forest students, faculty, and staff partner with community organizations through ongoing and one-time volunteer projects, service-learning classes, legal & medical clinics, business incubators, internship programs, and community-engaged research and knowledge creation. The Office of Civic & Community Engagement is the hub of community activity at Wake Forest University.
The community partnerships team builds capacity, develops collaborations, and measures impact. We seek to both maintain long-term, historical community relationships and build new partnerships with organizations and emerging projects in the Winston-Salem community.
Want to learn more? Contact the Office of Civic & Community Engagement.

Community Partners
Learn how community organizations can connect with Wake Forest University.

Community Members
Learn how members of the community can connect with resources at Wake Forest University.
Community Partner Directory
In 2018 The Office of Civic & Community Engagement led a campus-wide project to map community engagement across the institution.
Each point represents a community partner engaged with an office, program, group, or initiative at Wake Forest. Sites are color-coordinated by interest area.