In the second episode of its Deacs & Democracy podcast, the Old Gold & Black featured the Office of Civic & Community Engagement Executive Director, Marianne Magjuka, and Assistant Director of Advocacy and Social Justice Education, Deb Marke for a conversation about Deacs Decide and the upcoming election. Both Magjuka and Marke serve as co-chairs of the Deacs Decide Steering Committee.

Listen while they discuss the details of the Deacs Decide program, as well as the intricacies of absentee voting, barriers to voting, and ways for students at Wake Forest to stay engaged throughout the democratic process.

Deacs Decide is a highly collaborative campus-wide political engagement project. It aims to raise awareness about issues at stake in the 2020 election; educate the campus and Winston-Salem community; and register students, faculty, and staff to vote. The program offers a variety of opportunities to create relationships across differences, examine issues critical to American elections, build competencies for engaged citizenship, and experience American Democracy.

To get involved, students can find programs on The Link/CORQ or suggest events or programs directly to the Office of Civic & Community Engagement by contacting Magjuka or Marke.

