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Community Clinics

This spring, the Office of Civic & Community Engagement – in conjunction with Wake Forest faculty, various university departments, and Winston-Salem community partners – is happy to provide various free clinics for the public. 

Each clinic provides a specialized focus area for community members: a professional clinic for veterans exploring career options, a writing program for parents/guardians to advocate for their children in the school system, as well as a public speaking clinic to assist with strategies for effective speaking. 

The Community Clinics leverage WFU assets, and the expertise of its faculty, to offer opportunities for community members to access these resources, develop their skill set, and contribute to each focus area in their day-to-day lives.

Additionally, WFU offers various free, public clinics through the Law School and Medical School.

Please continue reading for further details on the various Community Clinics coming this spring.

Community Career Clinic: Military Veterans

When: March 9 and March 23, 6-8:30 p.m.
Where: Wake Downtown, Room 1615
In Partnership With: Dr. Seth Hayden (Associate Teaching Professor and  Director, WFU Writing Center), Brian Mendenhall (Associate Director for Career Education and Coaching), WFU Office of Personal & Career Development, WFU OCCE

Community Career Clinic: Military Veterans is focused on assisting veterans in exploring career options and securing meaningful employment. Throughout the event, career practitioners from WFU will be available to share information on resume writing, interviewing, and career exploration. 

Free parking is available for those in attendance in lot P7. To be directed to lot P7, please use 311 E. 3rd Street on a GPS to find the entrance to the lot. Additionally, child care will be provided for those in attendance through the DEAC Clinic.

Learn More about the Community Career Clinic: Veterans

Register to Attend the Community Career Clinic: Veterans

Community Writing Program: Writing to Win on Behalf of Your Child 

When: March 16, 6-8 p.m.
Where: The Enterprise Center
In Partnership With: Dr. Ryan Shirey (Associate Teaching Professor and Director, WFU Writing Center), WFU Writing Center, WFU OCCE, Action4Equity

Writing to Win on Behalf of Your Child, will examine how parents can advocate on behalf of their child through writing. The workshop will cover various topics including:

  • Best practices for writing to your child’s school or to the district
  • How and when to effectively use emails and letters
  • How to reference policies as tools of accountability.

The Community Writing Program seeks to support community members with writing for a range of purposes and contexts. WFU faculty and staff, work in partnership with community organizations, to support participants’ existing writing goals, offering coaching and editing services. 

Learn More about Writing to Win on Behalf of Your Child

Register to Attend Writing to Win on Behalf of Your Child

Wake Speaks Community Speech Night: Pre-K

When: April 14, 5:30-7 p.m.
Where: Family Services, 1200 S. Broad Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101
In Partnership With: Dr. Rowie Kirby-Straker (Assistant Teaching Professor, Communication), WFU Department of Communication, WFU OCCE

Wake Speaks supports community members and organizations to develop strategies for effective public speaking. In doing so, Wake Speaks offers a speaker’s bureau training for community initiatives, along with one-on-one consultations. 

Additionally, each semester, Wake Speaks sponsors a Community Speech Night for WFU students and community members in an effort to raise the visibility of important issues in the community through public speaking. The Spring 2020 Wake Speaks Community Speech Night, will be centered around access and affordability to pre-kindergarten programming in Forsyth County. 

Learn More about the Community Public Speaking Program: Wake Speaks

Are you a Wake Forest faculty member interested in piloting a series of workshops or a community clinic? Please contact Shelley Sizemore or Camry Wilborn.
